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10 SPC Flooring Disadvantages You Should Know

In the realm of modern flooring solutions, Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) flooring stands out for its durability and aesthetic versatility. However, as with any material, it’s crucial to understand its potential downsides. This article delves into the key disadvantages of SPC flooring, providing valuable insights for homeowners and businesses alike.

1. Hard Underfoot

Comfort Considerations
  • Nature of SPC: Renowned for its robust construction, SPC flooring inherently possesses a hard surface.
  • Impact on Comfort: This rigidity, while advantageous for wear resistance, can detract from comfort, especially in residential areas like bedrooms or playrooms, where a softer feel underfoot is often preferred.

2. Moisture Sensitivity

Limitations in Wet Environments
  • Water-Resistance vs. Waterproof: SPC’s touted water resistance should not be mistaken for complete waterproofness.
  • Risks: Prolonged exposure to moisture, especially in bathrooms or kitchens, can lead to undesirable effects such as swelling, warping, or discolouration of the planks.

3. Scratch Resistance and Vulnerability

Understanding Durability
  • Scratch-Resistant, Not Scratch-Proof: While SPC flooring is engineered to resist scratches, it isn’t invulnerable.
  • Potential Damage Sources: High-impact incidents, such as dropping heavy objects or the movement of unbuffered furniture legs, can still leave noticeable marks or scratches.

4. Sound Transmission

Acoustic Properties
  • Comparative Analysis: SPC’s dense composition can result in more efficient sound transmission than softer, more absorbent materials like carpet or cork.
  • Impact on Living Spaces: This characteristic can be disadvantageous in multi-storey buildings or apartments, where sound insulation is a key consideration.

5. Cost Factor

Economic Considerations
  • SPC vs. Other Vinyl Options: Typically, SPC flooring comes at a higher price point than other luxury vinyl flooring such as Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT), making it a significant investment.

6. Underfoot Comfort

The Trade-off of Durability
  • Comfort vs. Durability: The sturdy nature of SPC can sometimes compromise its comfort underfoot, an aspect particularly noticeable in comparison to softer flooring options.
  • Alternatives: For those prioritising underfoot comfort, alternatives like carpet or padded vinyl might be more suitable.

7. Risk of Dents and Scratches

Practical Implications
  • Not Fully Damage-Proof: Despite its robustness, SPC flooring is not immune to dents and scratches, particularly under certain conditions.
  • Household Considerations: In homes with pets, children, or a propensity for moving heavy furniture, this susceptibility can be a significant concern.

8. Noise Considerations

Sound Dynamics in Homes
  • SPC vs. Quieter Alternatives: Compared to quieter flooring options, SPC can potentially contribute to a noisier environment, an important factor to consider for those living in shared buildings or flats.

9. Environmental Impact

Sustainability Perspective
  • Material Composition: Constructed primarily from PVC, SPC flooring is not the most eco-friendly option, given PVC’s status as a non-renewable resource.
  • Health and Eco-Implications: The potential inclusion of formaldehyde in some SPC products raises additional health and environmental concerns, warranting careful consideration.

10. Removal and Replacement Challenges

Long-Term Considerations
  • Installation Method: The typical adhesive or click fit installation of SPC flooring makes its removal a challenging and potentially costly endeavour.
  • Replacement Cost and Effort: Should a replacement become necessary, the process often requires professional intervention, adding to the overall expense and complexity of maintaining an SPC floor.


SPC flooring, while offering a range of benefits such as robustness and aesthetic diversity, comes with its own set of disadvantages. From comfort and cost considerations to environmental impact and practicality in specific living situations, each aspect should be carefully weighed against your specific needs and circumstances.


How Does the Hardness of SPC Flooring Affect Comfort?

SPC flooring is known for its durability due to its robust construction, but this also means it has a harder surface compared to softer options like carpet. This can be less comfortable in areas where a softer flooring is preferred, such as bedrooms or play areas.

Is SPC Flooring Completely Waterproof?

While SPC flooring boasts high water resistance, it is not entirely waterproof. Extended exposure to moisture can lead to issues like swelling, warping, or discolouration, especially in moisture-prone areas like bathrooms or kitchens.

Can SPC Flooring Resist Scratches and Dents?

SPC flooring is designed to be scratch-resistant, but it’s not completely scratch-proof. It can still suffer from marks or scratches due to high-impact incidents, such as dropping heavy objects or dragging furniture without proper padding.

How Does SPC Flooring Affect Sound Transmission in Homes?

Due to its dense composition, SPC flooring can transmit sound more efficiently than softer materials. This might be a concern in multi-storey buildings or flats, where sound insulation is important.

What are the Environmental Considerations of Choosing SPC Flooring?

SPC flooring is primarily made from PVC, which is not the most eco-friendly material due to its non-renewable nature. Some SPC flooring options also contain formaldehyde, posing additional health and environmental concerns.

/Vinyl Flooring
Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.

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