Care and Maintenance

LVT Care Secrets: How to Maintain Your Floors’ Luxurious Look

Maintaining the pristine condition of Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring involves both proactive protective measures and regular upkeep. The surface of LVT flooring is enhanced with a robust polyurethane layer, designed to shield against damage and staining from daily use, transport, and installation. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to effectively clean and maintain your LVT flooring to ensure its longevity and aesthetic appeal.

Protective Measures

  • Entrance Mats: Employ sturdy entrance mats, preferably not rubber-based, to reduce the amount of dirt and contaminants brought onto the floor.
  • Furniture Protection: Use protective pads under furniture and chair legs to prevent scratches. For office chairs, opt for those with type W wheels, as specified by EN 12529, which are smooth and light-coloured, designed specifically for flexible flooring.
  • Routine Damp Cleaning: A weekly wipe-down with a damp cloth will help maintain the floor’s appearance. The frequency can be adjusted based on foot traffic and dirt accumulation.
  • Avoid Abrasive Cleaners: Steer clear of harsh cleaning products as they can damage the floor’s surface. Your authorised dealer can provide a list of suitable cleaning agents.
  • Pet Care: Be mindful of pets with sharp claws, as they can scratch the flooring.
  • Heel Caution: Sharp-heeled or metal-heeled footwear can harm the flooring. Exercise caution to avoid damage.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Limit the flooring’s exposure to direct sunlight, especially during peak hours, by using curtains or sunshades to prevent discolouration and damage from high temperatures.

Regular Cleaning

  • Immediate Stain Removal: Address food spills promptly with an appropriate cleaner to prevent staining. Avoid abrasive materials like rubbing salts, soft soap, bleaches, acetone, alcohol, and solvents.
  • Liquid Spills: Wipe up spills with a cleaner that is safe for use on flexible flooring.
  • Sticky Stains: For more stubborn stains, add a recommended cleaning solution to the water. The cleaning frequency should align with the level of dirt and spillage.
  • Post-Installation Cleanup: Following installation, remove any debris or dirt that may have accumulated to avoid scratches. In cases of significant scratches, the affected flooring section might need replacement.

Periodic Deep Cleaning

Even with diligent daily and regular cleaning, Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring benefits from periodic deep cleaning sessions to tackle accumulated dirt and restore its natural shine. This deep cleaning routine, recommended every three to six months, will rejuvenate your floors and keep them looking their best.

Deep Cleaning Essentials

  • Schedule for Success: Plan deep cleaning sessions for times when your space can be cleared easily, such as during seasonal changes when you’re already rearranging or decluttering.
  • Choose the Right Cleaner: Select a high-quality cleaner designed for LVT flooring. These specialised cleaners effectively remove tough grime without damaging the flooring’s protective layer.
  • Gentle Equipment: Utilise soft mops or cloths in conjunction with your chosen cleaner. For larger spaces, a soft brush attachment on a low-speed floor machine can be effective, provided it’s suitable for use on LVT floors.
  • Focus on Tough Spots: Address stubborn stains with care, applying the cleaner directly to the spot and gently wiping away with a soft, non-abrasive cloth. Avoid using harsh scrubbing tools that could scratch the surface.

Tips for a Thorough Clean

  • Dilution is Key: Dilute your cleaning solution according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to avoid leaving a filmy residue that could attract more dirt.
  • Rinse Wisely: After cleaning, make sure to lightly rinse the floors with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. This step is crucial to prevent the floor from becoming sticky or slippery.
  • Dry Thoroughly: Post-rinse, ensure your floors are completely dried. You can use a dry mop, soft towels, or allow for natural air drying. Removing moisture promptly prevents water spots and ensures a streak-free finish.

Additional Considerations

  • Furniture and Appliance Movement: When deep cleaning, it’s a good opportunity to clean under furniture and appliances. Ensure you lift and place items gently back in position to avoid scratching the flooring.
  • Addressing Seams and Edges: Pay special attention to seams and edges where dirt can accumulate. Use a soft brush to gently dislodge any trapped debris without damaging these sensitive areas.

Adhering to these guidelines in conjunction with the manufacturer guidelines will help ensure your LVT flooring remains in excellent condition, enhancing the overall ambiance of your space. Always consult with your flooring provider for specific care instructions tailored to your product.


Why should I use entrance mats for my LVT flooring?

Employing entrance mats, especially those that are not made from rubber, is essential for reducing the amount of dirt and other contaminants brought onto your LVT flooring. This simple step can significantly minimise the cleaning required and protect the floor’s surface.

How can I protect my LVT flooring from furniture scratches?

To safeguard your LVT flooring from potential scratches caused by furniture, it’s advisable to place protective pads under the legs of your furniture and chairs. For office environments, chairs equipped with type W wheels, which are smooth and light-coloured, are recommended to prevent damage to your flooring.

What is the recommended cleaning routine for LVT flooring?

A weekly wipe-down with a damp cloth can substantially maintain the aesthetic appeal of your LVT flooring. This frequency might need to be adjusted based on how often the area is used and the level of dirt accumulation.

How do I deal with stains and spills on my LVT flooring?

For immediate spills, particularly food-related, it’s crucial to clean them up as quickly as possible using a cleaner appropriate for LVT floors. This proactive approach helps in preventing the formation of stains. It’s also important to avoid abrasive materials that could potentially harm the floor’s surface.

What does periodic deep cleaning involve for LVT flooring?

Periodic deep cleaning, recommended every three to six months, involves a more thorough cleaning process to address accumulated dirt and restore the floor’s natural shine. This involves using high-quality cleaners specific to LVT flooring and employing gentle cleaning equipment like soft mops or cloths. Special attention should be given to stubborn stains, diluting cleaning solutions properly, and ensuring the floor is thoroughly dried after cleaning.

/Vinyl Flooring
Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.

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