Product Information

SPC LVT Flooring: Strength Meets Elegance

In the modern home or business, flooring isn’t just a basic necessity; it’s a statement of style and functionality. The quest for a flooring solution that is aesthetically pleasing yet durable, waterproof, and easy to maintain is seemingly never-ending. Enter SPC LVT flooring, where strength meets elegance in a seamless blend of functionality and design.

What Is SPC?

Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) flooring is revolutionising the flooring industry with its myriad benefits. SPC is engineered with a composite of limestone and stabilisers, forming an incredibly stable core. This core lends SPC flooring its robustness, dimensional stability, and resistance to water spills or moisture. Learn more about SPC rigid core here.

Technical Aspects

  • Durability: High resistance to wear and tear
  • Water Resistance: Suitable for rooms prone to moisture
  • Stability: Minimal expansion or contraction with temperature changes

What Is LVT?

Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring is designed for the aesthetically conscious individual. Comprising multiple layers, including a protective wear layer and design layer, LVT offers a range of design possibilities from wood to stone effects. Understand how LVT is made here.

Technical Aspects

  • Design Versatility: Wide array of colours and patterns
  • Comfort: Softer underfoot compared to traditional hard flooring
  • Easy Installation: Options like click-lock make DIY installations feasible

SPC and LVT: The Ultimate Combination

When you combine the robust nature of SPC with the design versatility of LVT, you get a flooring solution that is virtually unbeatable. This combination offers:

A Symphony of Durability and Aesthetics

SPC LVT is essentially LVT with an SPC core. This unique blend ensures that your floors are not just beautiful but incredibly robust as well. SPC lends the flooring its waterproof nature and added stability, preventing it from warping or disfiguring over time. Meanwhile, LVT provides the aesthetic versatility, allowing for various designs that can mimic natural stone, hardwood, or even intricate tile patterns.

Ideal for Varied Settings

Whether you’re considering flooring for your lounge or looking to revamp a commercial space, SPC LVT fits the bill. It’s versatile enough for different needs, owing to its layered structure that offers sound insulation, comfort, and durability.

Enhanced Resistance

With SPC LVT, you can say goodbye to concerns about flooring damage due to spills or moisture. The waterproof nature of SPC makes this flooring ideal for areas prone to dampness, such as bathrooms or kitchens.

Comfort and Insulation

Don’t let the ‘stone’ in SPC fool you. Though sturdy, SPC LVT flooring is comfortable to walk on and can be much warmer underfoot compared to traditional hard flooring options. Plus, some SPC LVT options come with a pre-applied underlay, providing additional insulation and sound absorption.

Easy Installation

The construction of SPC LVT often includes a click-lock mechanism that simplifies installation. This feature reduces installation time and costs, making it a popular choice for both DIY enthusiasts and professional installers alike.

By offering both strength and elegance, SPC LVT flooring proves that you don’t have to compromise. It’s a multifaceted solution that caters to a wide range of needs and settings, making it the ultimate choice for modern flooring.

Where To Fit SPC LVT Flooring

SPC LVT flooring is remarkably versatile, making it ideal for various rooms and settings:

SPC LVT Flooring Alternatives

When compared to other flooring types, SPC LVT stands out in several aspects:

Traditional LVT Flooring

Luxury Vinyl Tile has been a choice for many due to its design versatility and affordability. However, SPC LVT takes it a notch higher.

  • Water Resistance: Traditional LVT offers some level of water resistance, but SPC LVT goes the extra mile with its impermeable core.
  • Stability: Temperature and moisture fluctuations can cause traditional LVT to expand or contract. The rigid core in SPC LVT minimises this issue.
  • Durability: Both are durable, but the added strength of the SPC core gives SPC LVT an edge, especially in high-traffic areas.

Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring has been a long-standing favourite for its timeless elegance and natural warmth. However, SPC LVT offers some advantages:

  • Maintenance: Hardwood floors need regular polishing and are susceptible to scratches. SPC LVT is far easier to maintain.
  • Water Resistance: Unlike hardwood, SPC LVT is waterproof, making it suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, and basements.
  • Cost: Hardwood flooring is generally more expensive not just in material but also in installation. SPC LVT offers a budget-friendly alternative without compromising on aesthetic appeal.

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic tiles are another popular option, especially in bathrooms and kitchens. Here’s how SPC LVT measures up:

  • Comfort: Ceramic tiles can be hard and cold underfoot. SPC LVT has a softer feel and can even have a pre-applied underlay for added comfort.
  • Installation: Laying ceramic tiles involves a laborious and time-consuming process. SPC LVT often comes with click-lock design, making DIY installation feasible.
  • Design Versatility: While ceramic tiles offer various designs, SPC LVT comes in an even broader range of styles and colours. From natural to grey and even wood-effect, the options are nearly limitless.


FeatureSPC LVT FlooringTraditional LVT FlooringHardwood FlooringCeramic Tile
DurabilityHigh (waterproof, scratch-resistant)Moderate (water-resistant)Low to moderate (can scratch and dent)High (scratch-resistant, can chip)
AestheticsVersatile (mimics natural materials)Versatile (mimics natural materials)Natural and warmNatural stone-like appearance
InstallationEasier (click-lock mechanism)Easier (click-lock or glue-down)Requires professional installationRequires professional installation
MaintenanceEasy (sweep or mop)Easy (sweep or mop)Moderate (special cleaners, occasional refinishing)Moderate to hard (grout cleaning)
CostModerateLowerHighModerate to high
Comfort UnderfootModerate (warm and soft)Moderate (warm and soft)High (warm but hard)Low (hard and cold)
Suitable for Wet AreasYes (bathrooms, kitchens)Limited (not ideal for bathrooms)NoYes
Sound InsulationGoodModerateLowLow

How To Maintain SPC LVT Flooring

Maintaining your SPC LVT flooring is straightforward:

  • Use a mild cleaner and avoid abrasive tools
  • Consider applying a suitable vinyl cleaner for deep cleaning
  • Regular sweeping will suffice for daily upkeep


SPC LVT flooring is not just a trend; it’s a functional and aesthetic revolution. Its blend of durability and design versatility makes it the go-to option for those who refuse to compromise. Whether you’re renovating your kitchen or setting up a commercial space, SPC LVT flooring offers a reliable yet elegant solution.


What Makes SPC LVT Flooring Exceptional in Terms of Functionality and Design?

SPC LVT flooring unites the durability and water resistance of Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) with the design flexibility and visual appeal of Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT). This blend results in a flooring solution that is not only strong and resistant to moisture but also offers a wide array of design options.

How Does SPC Flooring Contribute to the Overall Quality of SPC LVT?

SPC, which stands for Stone Plastic Composite, is engineered from limestone and stabilisers. Its core features make it remarkably stable and water-resistant, enhancing the robustness of SPC LVT flooring.

What Role Does LVT Play in SPC LVT Flooring?

Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) brings the aesthetic element to SPC LVT flooring. LVT consists of multiple layers that include a protective wear layer and design layer, offering numerous design possibilities ranging from wood to stone effects.

In What Types of Settings Is SPC LVT Flooring Best Suited?

SPC LVT flooring is highly versatile, making it ideal for a range of settings such as bathrooms, kitchens, and commercial spaces with high foot traffic. Its waterproof and easy-to-maintain nature makes it a fitting choice for these areas.

How Does SPC LVT Flooring Compare to Traditional Flooring Options?

When pitted against traditional flooring types like hardwood and ceramic tiles, SPC LVT flooring shines in aspects like water resistance, maintenance ease, and cost-effectiveness. It offers a durable yet aesthetically pleasing alternative.

/Vinyl Flooring
Jonathan Sapir

Jonathan Sapir has over 17 years in the flooring industry. As an authority on flooring, he infuses his extensive knowledge and passion for quality products into every article. Jonathan's expertise helps readers make informed decisions for elegant and durable flooring solutions.

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